It’s been a while since I posted an update.
I have not been as motivated as I usually am.My dear nephew and friend Paul, without whose help this site would never have come about,was diagnosed with leukaemia last year and sadly he passed away on the 11th of Aug.
Paul was an honorable man.He had no interest in material possessions, other than what he really needed and no interest in making a lot of money ,only what he needed to get by.He loved the coast and the bush and had a great desire to return to his native land of New Zealand but time ran out for him.He cared about the environment and could never understand why economists couldn’t recognise that it shouldn’t be a competition between the two, simply a must if future generations were to have any quality of life.He influenced me to believe in what I thought was important .He disliked living in Sydney but circumstances dictated that he did . His selfless choices were made in favour of others that he cared for.
Paul came to Australia in his early twenties and having him around was fabulous.He was an arts student and when he graduated won a scholarship to the USA for a year. He became interested in IT. .About 20 years ago he turned up at my place in Coogee where I lived and had my business “Christina’s Costumes” .He put an old desk top computer and screen on the dinning room table ,showed me the on/off button and told me I better get with it as anyone in business had to be online or get left behind! He developed my website ,the only one of it’s kind as I don’t know of anyone else who does costume hire online. When I moved to the property permanently in early 2011 he was beginning to rewrite the codes to bring it up to date and solely web based but unfortunately became ill and could no longer work. I have that site now being upgraded and almost ready for launch as I did not want to see all Paul’s years of developing the site wasted.I also desperately need to try and earn some money to keep the refuge going. Paul did lots of visits with us to the property which was purchased in 1998 and gazetted in 2008.
I miss Paul, talking to him ,exchanging ideas and listening to his very unique view on many things.If there more people that needed such a little we could sustain a much more environmentally friendly way of life. After the funeral service I was talking with friend of Paul’s I hadn’t seen for a few years as he had moved interstate.I told him I often inquired after him and he said likewise.He told me that Paul had said I had moved into the bush and was living “off the grid” .He said Paul was very proud of me.It was such a nice thing to hear and it will stay with me forever and motivate me to keep going here .Paul grew an avocado tree from a seed quite a few years ago and he gave it to Larry to plant up here .He thought the possums might like an avo or two! It’s very hard to sprout a plant from a seed.I have tried several times. About a week after Paul died the tree showed us it’s first avocados. Small grape size but I’m sure they will be huge in the future! Early this year I secured a grant for the purchase of native shrubs and Casuarina trees to plant here.They are arriving this month so we will be busy.They will all be planted for Paul.
Paul would have been 50 today. Thanks for enriching my life.